Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Happy New Year

So, what's up? Here I am, in my room, preparing to New Year's Eve. Yeay!!! Excited!!!
Ngomong-ngomong soal Resolusi, for me personally, I took it seriously loh :)
I wanna share my 2012 resolution right naw, tenyata udah terpenuhi setengah. Yeay.

Here it is:
  • UGS. Unpad Goes to School. Perfectly done.
  • Bikin rekening baru buat nabung. Done. Walaupun masih sulit buat nabung.
  • Beli tas dan sepatu di awal tahun. Done.
  • Punya satu teman baru. I got so many new friends. Wulan, Dio, Sherly sooo many.
  • Kasih Kahfi sesuatu.
  • UAS lancar IP > 3.1. I got >3.5 hehe
  • Potong rambut. Perfectly done :)
Dan yang belumterpenuhi di tahun ini:
  • Masak dan makan dikosan weekend
  • Ikut satu kompetisi 
  • Nonton Konser Taylor
  • Beli novel dalam bahasa inggris
  • Sit up every morning
 And I really thank God for gave me BEM in this year. I worked  in Minister of Alumnus and Company Relation. We called it RAP. We are Rapper yo!

And thank you Astari for lead this team. Thank you :'
Here are Wulan, Aldi, Me, Dio, Yanuar, Astari, Ivon.
Full Team

Company Visit -Program Kerja Tahunan
Photo Booth
Penampilan kementrian, We were singing Harus berpisah-nya Cakra Khan :'

Penghargaan buat Aldi sebagai Deputi terbaik
Santo, Ivon, Melsa, Astari, Wulan, Me, Dio minus Aldi, Sherly, Yanuar, Pandu, Arijal. Perpisahan BEM.

Thank you for every single thing RAP. Thank you for being my family. Thank you for every courages. Thank you for the times. I am gonna miss LPJ loh guys hehe Bakal kangen bikin notulensi tiap rapat, bakal kangen kalian semua. RAP IS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME IN 2012 *ciumin satu-satu* Thank you Astari,Wulan,Ivon,Yanuar,Dio,Aldi, and staff magang penerus RAP :' Sherly,Melsa,Pandu, Arijal, Santo. Sopan, Serius, Smile to many people. Thank You. Keep Sensual ya, you guys :*

And Thank you Kahfi, for everything. Maaf dan terima kasih, ya.

Dan untuk 2013, ngga ada resolusi :) Nothing to hope, nothing to lose.
Happy New Year , People.

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

The End of What We are

Sore ini hujan di Bandung deres banget. Gelap. Serem. Sampe kepikiran "Is this the sign from Allah for the end of the world? Is The Mayans right?" Sampe nemu capture-an ini.

Apa yang diramalin The Mayans soal the doomsday  mungkin ngga harus kita telen langsung. Mereka mungkin bener soal the end of the world, tapi bukan phisically. Yep, kaya tulisan di atas, "the end of what we are...".  Genocide, war, kita liat apa yang dilakukan Israel ke Palestine. Abuse, udah ngga asing lagi. Chaos. Pengeboman gereja dan tempat umum lain, atas nama agama, katanya. Murder, yap, like they've had done in Connecticut. Keserakahan manusia. Ketidakadilan pemimpin. Dimana rasa peduli manusia saat ini? Jangan sampe aja bunuh bunuhan jadi hal biasa nantinya. Serem :(

But, di luar itu semua, kalaupun memang The Mayans memprediksi tentang kiamat, Me, personally can't stand with it. For Muslim like me, ada beberapa tanda besar sebelum datangya kiamat. Salah satunya akan ada perang antara Isa as dengan Dajjal, dan hal ini belum terjadi. Eh, Isa apa Imam al Mahdi ya, lupa :) CMIIW. 
And, NASA said that "The world is not going to end." Tidak dalam waktu dekat, secara ilmiah, bumi masih akan bisa bertahan sampai 4 milyar tahun! WOW! Tapi, balik lagi ke takdir Tuhan. Only God knows :) Keep the world green. 

Kamu bisa liat penyangkalan NASA di sini :)

Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

9 of Us

How's your day blogger?
I'll show you the picture of us -my college mates and I.
This one was taken about a months ago, when we were going to a movie. That was Ghea's birthday -the girl who's not wearing hijab- and this was our first photobooth. I mean, yang fotonya paling banyak. Biasanya ngga pernah serame ini. Ini pun kurang Rifka sama Dani .


Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Another heart-warmer

Abis kepoin Kahfi's first post on his blog Terus speechless hehe.
I love him and his very first post.

Ps. You're sweeter than chupa cup!

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Selamat Hari Pahlawan

Ini salah satu puisi favorit saya dari seorang pahlawan Indonesia, Buya Hamka.
Kepada Saudaraku M. Natsir

Meskipun bersilang keris di leher
Berkilat pedang di hadapan matamu
Namun yang benar kau sebut juga benar

Cita Muhammad biarlah lahir
Bongkar apinya sampai bertemu
Hidangkan di atas persada nusa
Jibril berdiri di sebelah kananmu
Mikail berdiri di sebelah kiri

Lindungan Ilahi memberimu tenaga
Suka dan duka kita hadapi
Suaramu wahai Natsir, suara kaum-mu
Kemana lagi, Natsir kemana kita lagi
Ini berjuta kawan sepaham

Hidup dan mati bersama-sama
Untuk menuntut Ridha Ilahi
Dan aku pun masukkan 
Dalam daftarmu ...!

"...Namun yang benar kau sebut juga benar..."
Ketika mereka berjuang menegakkan kebenaran sampai titik darah terakhir. Tak takut mati. Mereka hanya takut kalau Mereka tak menyampaikan kebenaran. Dan kebenaran selalu menang, sekalipun nyawa taruhannya.

Well, saatnya kita lanjutkan perjuangan para pahlawan terdahulu. Standing for the right things. Ngga, ngga harus punya bambu runcing, ngga harus lemparin gedung-gedung mereka pake batu. Cukup bentuk generasi kita jadi generasi positif. Kita beri Indonesia prestasi kita. Kita lawan peruntuh keadilan dengan pikiran kita, dengan intelektualitas. 

"Berikan aku 1000 orang tua, niscaya akan kucabut semeru dari akarnya, berikan aku 1 pemuda, niscaya akan kuguncangkan dunia." - Bung Kano
Mungkin kutipan ini sudah terlalu sering kamu dengar sampai sampai kamu, dan aku pun sering menganggap ini angin lalu, ngga pernah mikirin maknanya. Kita bisa bayangin, guncangan seperti apa yang akan terjadi pada dunia oleh kita, ribuan pemuda?

FYI, mataku basah baca puisinya. 


Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

#IniSumpahku 3


Kita masa depan Indonesia.

#IniSumpahku 2

"I swear, I'll procrastinate this procrastination."
- Me, 19 y.o., procrastinator.


Semangat pagi, Pemuda!!!
Kali ini aku mau bahas sekilas sejarah Sumpah Pemuda, yang hari ini tepat 84 tahun, sejak 1928. Cuma mau ngebagi apa yang masih kesimpen di kepala sih.

Sumpah pemuda, ngga bisa dibantahkan, adalah salah satu dari tonggak kemerdekaan Indonesia. Sumpah pemuda ini berawal dari adanya keinginan pemuda-pemuda Indonesia untuk segera memerdekakan diri dari penjajah. Dan mereka tau, ketika mereka bersatu, sebagian Indonesia sudah ada di tangan mereka.
Kemudian dilakukanlah Kongres Pemuda I dan II yang membicarakan pentingnya persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia.
28 Oktober 1928 (Kongres Pemuda II) dituliskanlah isi sumpah pemuda oleh Moh. Yamin.

Isinya kira-kira seperti ini :

"Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, Tanah Air Indonesia.
Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, Bangsa Indonesia.
Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, Bahasa Indonesia."

Di hari itu pula lah,sang merah putih dikibarkan pertama kali dan instrumen lagu Indonesia Raya diperdengarkan.  

Dan hari itu pun ditetapkan sebagai hari Sumpah Pemuda.

Jadi, yuk kita lanjutin perjuangan generasi muda dahulu yang sudah berjuang untuk menyatukan pemuda pemudi Indonesia.  Tinggalin sifat individualis kita. Liat kondisi negara kita sekarang. Dimana generasi mudanya? Sibuk sama diri sendiri? Sibuk sama gadget sendiri? Autis.

Kita adalah lembar baru.  Bikin sejarah keren, biar jadi contoh buat generasi muda selanjutnya. Jangan malu-maluin. Mungkin ini klise, tapi, jangan pikirin apa yang udah dikasih negara buat kamu, tapi apa yang udah kamu kasih buat negara. Aku, Kamu, Kita semua, masa depan Indonesia.

Aku bakal berusaha buat ngga bangun siang lagi! #IniSumpahku , Apa sumpahmu?

Ps. Di comment aja kalo mau kasih kritik.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


Tons of thanks to you all who did prayer for my birthday.
Thanks Allah.
Thanks Mom, Dad, Kudin.
Thanks for the kisses, You.
Thanks for the cakes.
Thanks for the candles.
Thanks for the wishes.
Thanks for the pictures.
Thanks for the voice notes.


happiest girl alive.

Ps. Gonna post some photos soon!

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

I miss You.

"... Lights will guide you home, and Ignite your bones,
and I will try to fix you."
-Fix You,Cold Play

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Miss me, Anyone?

Hello Bloggerverse!
This two months is really hectic. Sorry for haven't shared anything yet. I said sorry as if there were a lot of people would gonna sick without me LOL.

Maybe next day I will share about Google+, hectic day on committees, a short trip to Depok  and some weird time at campus.

Enjoy your October :)

Jumat, 21 September 2012


"...Yang nyangkut di mata dan di hati itu kan beda."
 - Fathin, 19 y.o., taken.

Rabu, 19 September 2012

If You Know What I Mean

Copied from a random blog. This just reminds me of something.

F: So, what now? 
M: It's only you and me now. That is the only thing that matters. 
F: Why didn't you look for me much earlier? We would have had much more time compared to   what we have now. 
M: I had my own doubts... And surely you had yours. I was questioning a lot of things. Being away from you helped me find the answers.
F: Were you? What kind of answers have you found?
M: What I want. What I need. Who I have to pour my heart to.
F: I don't know what we will be... but indeed your presence comforts me.
M: Was there anyone else comforting you since we parted?
F: In my mind, you have never left after all. Not even a step out of spine.
M: know. I kind of hope this plane would fly forever, but I guess Brazil is warmer than this flying fridge. My hands are cold already.
F: Do you think people fall in to and out of love because of happenstances?
M: There can be no love without coincidence. I am not a believer of planned infatuation. You have to go through every pain to see if they are really worth loving.
F: Love seems like a scary concept if in order to possess it one ought to inevitably suffer in pain...  

M: It's not always the case. But like the saying goes, you wouldn't know what you've got until it's gone, right?
F: ...and that if it hurts, it's probably worth it.
M: Did it hurt?
F: If it did not hurt, I would not be leaning against your chest at the moment as if there was no tomorrow. Yet, if it had hurt me a little too much, I would not bear being around you this close.
M: Indeed. I can't afford letting the chance to return to you slip past me once again. I can't see you being apart from me once more. This time it's the heart really talking.
F: Would you like to have more stories together?
M: I wouldn't mind doing anything, but I'd put my emphasis on 'together'.  

F: Even if I am being utterly unreasonable about things? Such as, wanting to be with you perpetually?
M: Even if. Are you sure you would ever be more unreasonable than me - impulsively getting away with you to a city miles away from here?
F: I sure am. The farthest distance I would like to have with you from now on is a heartbeat away, if you don't mind.
M: I was thinking of ways for our hearts to beat together, actually. Would it be possible? Though a heartbeat away is probably the farthest I could handle. You know, I would not mind exploring your idea. A heartbeat away, isn't it? You and me?

F: A heartbeat away, it is. You and me.

Selasa, 18 September 2012

God Just Showed Me The Way

Kaya yang udah aku share semalem, aku engga tidur 2 hari, and this happened for the very first time. Actually, hari ini aku udah ngerencanain bakal tidur jam delapan. Tapi ... Dapet shocking-annoying telepon dari si Boss bikin mau ngga mau harus melek sampe kelar, se engga nya 80% surat-suratnya kelar. You know, program kerja kementerian yang mendadak harus kelar akhir tahun ini, and as the nicest secretary *eyelashes*, aku terpaksa harus kelarin setiap surat yang dibutuhin si Boss.

Hari ini cukup bikin some buttterflies dancing on my belly. Dan mungkin alasan nya ngga penting buat kamu. Tapi buat aku, It makes a pretty sense
  • Hari ini tanggal 17, dan aku resmi taken. Engga deh, canda. Eh, serius ngga ya~ 
  • Langkah gontai ke B 33, dan boring class hampir aja bikin tepar di bahu Puput dan Aaron, kalo bukan ada yang tiba-tiba ngetuk pintu daaaaaaaan JEEEEENG JEEEENG I really know that mustache!!!! YEP. My crush just got into the same class with MEH! Untuk pertama kalinya. NPM kita jauhan banget. Aku 072 nah dia 200 berapaaa gitu. Cuma kaya 'Kenapa, Tuhan? Kenapa ngga dari dulu aku dikasih jalan kenal dia. Kenapa ngga dari dulu kita satu kelas???' HUUFT. Mungkin kemarin alasanku masuk kelas Cost Accounting karena sayang absen, tapi sekarang I have a better reason :)
  • Setelah momen bahagia itu berakhir untuk sementara, kaki capek dan mata bengkak harus kuliah lagi. Kali ini praktikum Statistika II. Dan setengah jam kelas, tiba-tiba cowok di depan noleh ke belakang, then look right into my pupil. "Tadi yang diganti apa sih?" Tiba-tiba sadar itu temen ospek setahun lalu yang tiba-tiba ngasih tissue pas nangis dan ngasih amplop buat ngirim surat ke Mama. :''''''''')  
Kenapa semuanya kaya di PHP in ke aku sih, Dear You, The Script Writer of Life? Tapi ya udah sih, kata Fathin, yang nyangkut di mata sama di hati itu beda. Kalo untuk di hati, aku udah punya kamu :3
Em, I promised my ownself, since I knew who will sit there, in the same room with me, for this semester, I will never skip my Cost Accounting Class :)

Senin, 17 September 2012


A lil bit shocked? I really can't close my eyes. It is 3.45 a.m. actually and just finished another Orizuka's book, "I For You". Believe me or not, I will cry over every single novel that I read. Those remind me of some memory of, hate to say this, past. It makes me wandering why can't I get one of  those valorous man. If those happy ending makes some flows on my pillow, How it could be If it had an sad ending*wiping tears*

Okay. It all was not the point. This disobedient tired eyes decided to do ... em, uh, well, kepo. We called it 'stalking' in another way. Yep. I just stalked. I mean, accidentally. I just see a tweet on my twitter's timeline, 

*viewed conversation*, 

*opened in new tab*, 

*scrolled down* 

and found an account that makes my forehead a little wrinkled. This girl has no twitter account, as I knew.

*opened her profile page*. -Damn, you curious mind 

I found her blog and, again, 

*opened in a new tab*. 


*older post*

AAAND, accidentally found a post. Random post. It's about a song of HiVi-Orang Ketiga. And I know she just wrote about me and another person that annoyed her. Not to be rude, but She's annoying, and it was the only reason why Her boyfriend, I mean ex, UPS, broke her up. It was not caused by me sweety bear :)

Ps. Yes, I am talking about, you. If you know what I mean. *winking* 

Jumat, 14 September 2012

Fill In The Blank Friday- September 14th.

Happy Friday!

Hope you've had a fabulous week!
And now to wind down the work week with some Fill in the Blank Friday action!

1.  Right now the weather where I live is    unpredictable, you know. I live in Bandung, a kind of mountain area, It should've been cold actually. But I bet You don't wanna go out on the day if you don't want an unexpected tanned in some part of your skin. But I recommend you a blanket for the night and a water heater. Cause It's gonna be very cold on the night and you will get a shocking icy-water on the morning.

2.  The best piece of advice I've been given is  "Solat jan pernah tingga." It means Don't ever,even once of your lifetime, forget to do your prayer. This is what my Mom tell me over and over. But really sorry, Mom, I sometimes did it, fortuitously :(.

3.  My most favorite person in all the world is  My Awesome Mom, again. You couldn't even imagine what she felt inside when her children acted out of her control,but she always tried to tell us over and over, patiently, what's right and what's wrong. She hide tears inside if one of us, accidentally hurt her. And I didn't want to know how it feel, when she need to face the world without her Mother when she just about 6 years :( She is the thougest woman ever and burst out crying to her arms is the most comfort way ever.

4. My most favorite item in my closet is  all my scarf. It is always worth it :)

6. The best cure for a bad day is  take a shower, eat some food, and do prayer.

7.  Today is   tiring. I just accompanied Putri, my friend, looking for some stuff.

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Here We Go, again, Bandung :)

Hello people!
It is the 5th day since I came back here, in Bandung. Actually, I got so much thing to share with you. But sometimes, something is better left unspoken. You don't know how it feels when you should hardly hold your fingers not to type about what had happened 5 days ago and hold your fussy mouth. But FYI, what happened 5 days ago is one of the greatest thing that happened to my life. 

Being at home for almost two months didn't make you feeling bored. The more times you spend at home, the harder you felt to go. Home is the first place that I've never wanted to lose, you are the second :). I remember the time when I hugged Mom and Dad before I leave. I know they tried not to cry in front of me and I thought they also didn't want me to pour my tears down. We all just tried to face it. Ah, I hate distance.

And Here I am right now. Having a lonely boring midnight in my room, as usual :(

Btw, the classes have been started for a week. I took my first French class. YEAY! It was really fun. I can introduce my self in French!!!! I will make a record of mine speaking French then I will share it to you :) If you want it :p Then I also got some weird classes. But seriously it's weird -_- Some random lecturer. Believe me or not, Mr. Yunizar, my organization behavior lecturer took 1 hour just to spell his name letter by letter and tried to tell us the meaning of every single letter of his name -____________- I AM NOT KIDDING! It took more than 1 hour -_- 
Another annoying part is the unstable schedule of the classes. It changed arbitrarily and you might have 3 classes at the same time, just like what happened to me today.

But this 5 days it is not only about annoying stuff at college. Yesterday I planned to go to Jatinangor with Putri. We planned to attend the Student Day. But I didn't know why we changed it planned, and decided to stop the bus and walk down. We trapped in strangeland :o But thanks to GPS anyway we finally ended up in Transtudio :D 

I still have much thing to tell anyway. But you know, my fingers seems like have a trouble to type more. I am so tired today. 


Ps. I just back home after Karaoke with friends *yawning*


Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Tik Tok


Holiday is almost over. Even for some people It is already over. It drowns my mood when suddenly a picture of lecturer, classes, and campus cross my mind :(  But then I realized that there will be some ... uh, well, cool people around me. Oh, Guys. I already miss you. But the thought of what I left behind makes me really sad. Mom, Dad, Kudin, Haura, bestfriends make it so hard to back to 'rantau'. I miss my college mates, I miss Bandung. But hard to leave. If only I could back home in every single weekend. It is gonna be fine. 

I spend 75% in this almost 2 months like a lazy cat. Laying down, craving food, watching some movies staying up midnight.  There is no important thing but this what I will never found out there. I spend the another days with doing some fun with my bestfriend, had some shopping times with Mom, breakfasting at Uki's, hanging out, dating-in my own style. 

I seems had nothing, but this holiday is really worth it. Family, food, friends, laugh everywhere. Happiness. Oh God I don't want to leave :( 

Ps. This Picture taken at Gita's. They are my classmates, and will always gonna be my bestfriends forever.

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

26th of August

It maybe not that important to you to read this, but you know, this was really fun and killing time 

What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
ask him/her why do they hit me
Single or Taken?
Ever been in a fight?
what kind of fight? hitting each other? no, not really
If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
uh I don't know, but I wish I would never be in this condition
Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
No, I wouldn't do that. He's my bestfriend actually
If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
Latin, portuguese, hebrew
What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I love my name, but If reincarnation does exist I will born as Aisha

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Welcome 1 Syawal

Cuma aku, apa kalian juga ngerasa kalau ramadhan kali ini flies so fast? Katanya time flies faster when you're having fun. Tapi sejauh ini I am not that fun. Tapi fun sih, eh fun ngga ya? Skip.
Jadi, besok itu udah lebaran. Ini aja aku lagi nulis dengan backsound fireworks dan suara ribut di depan rumah karna ada yang tabrakan. -_-. Seriously, barusan lagi asik telponan sama si Rifka, isi KRS bareng, tiba-tiba ada bunyi yang nyaring banget. Awalnya aku sama papa kira itu kembang api atau apalah mainan anak-anak zaman sekarang. Ngga tau nya pas keluar udah ada remaja ababil nangis-nangis, dua orang. Nah, yang lainnya  bukannya nolongin malah ngeliatin *emot garpu* Dan barusan aku tau kalo jari kakinya putus ._. Putus, loh. Seriusan engga becanda ._. Oke, skip. Serem.

Back to the topic.
Lebaran identik sama ketupat dan opor ayam. Setuju ngga? Mungkin beda-beda, sih, buat tiap-tiap keluarga. Nah, di keluargaku ketupat itu is a must. Biasanya dimakan pake tauco (buncis dicampur tahu dan tempe) atau kuah kacang gitu. Selain ketupat, rendang biasanya juga selalu ada di rumah kalau lebaran. Terus, ada beberapa kue kering. 
FYI, makanan-makanan itu dibuat dalam porsi lebih besar. Bukan karna jumlah anggota keluarga yang banyak, tapi karna di lingkungan rumahku ada tradisi dimana sehabis solat Ied di masjid, para pria dibagi kedalam beberapa kelompok. Setelah itu kelompok-kelompok tersebut mendatangi beberapa rumah untuk silaturrahmi. Nah, kita, kaum wanita yang punya rumah wajib menjamu mereka. Nah, gitu. Seru, kan?! Jadi, para pria di lingkungan rumah bisa makan pagi 4 sampai 5 kali! Tapi dipikir-pikir ngga begah apa ya? Setelah itu baru deh kita kumpul bareng keluarga besar. Aku kira kita suka bagian yang sama nih, kalau udah kumpul bareng keluarga? YEP. THR a.k.a angpao lol. 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H,
Mohon maaf kalau pernah salah tulis di postingan-postingan sebelumnya.
Catch your Angpao, blogger!

PS. Boleh di comment loh, postingan nya :)

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012


So, my role model, Taylor Swift, just released a new single called "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together". This stuff actually released on August 13th. and the bigger stuff is going to be burst out on October 22nd. CAN'T WAIT!
This song just remind me of my guy in high school, but I wish I would never ever singing this cool song to him. 
SOOOOO Here's the lyrics :)

I remember when we broke up the first time
Saying this is it, I've had enough, 'cause like
We haven't seen each other in a month
When you, said you, needed space, what?
Then you come around again and say
Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change
Trust me, remember how that lasted for a day
I say, I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you

Oooh we called it off again last night

But Oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends talk
And my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Like ever...

I'm really gonna miss you picking fights

And me, falling for a screaming that I'm right
And you, will hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that's much cooler than mine

Oooh you called me up again tonight

But Oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends talk
And my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever

And I used to say never say never
Huh, he calls me up and he's like, I still love you
And i'm like, i'm just, I mean this is exhausting, you know
We are never getting back together, like ever

We are never ever ever ever getting back together

We are never ever ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends talk
And my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

We, oooh, oooh, not back together, we

Oh, getting back together

You go talk to your friends talk

And my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Whatever you named it

What's your favorite name for a girl?
What's your favorite name for a boy?
Do you like coke or pepsi?
Have you read Twilight?
What does your car smell like?
um idk
Have you ever eaten a marshmallow burnt?
burnt? No.
Do you have a gerbil?
what gerbil is?
Are you afraid of airplanes?
not really, no
What gives you goosebumps?
Whose your favorite character on TV?
Why did you take this survey?
killing time, waiting for breakfasting
Do you like ice cream?
Have you been to an arcade before?
What is your favorite song?
Love story, lonely lullaby, drive by, that's what friends are for,so much
What is your least favorite movie?
uhm Mili dan Nathan?
When do you think the world will end?
when the sun rises from the west
Do you think cheesy jokes are funny?
you, funnier
Do you like texting or calling?
I'd rather text
Have you ever online dated?
em no
Whose the last person you hugged?
my sister, last night
Do you believe Wikipedia is always right?
yes, but sometimes there's a missperception between my mind with this thing
Do you like bulldogs?
not really
Have you ever eaten a corndog?
What's your favorite article of clothing?
I can't get the point?
Do you like classical music?
not really
Is your grandma still alive?
No :(
What's your favorite video on Youtube?
Hijab and make up tutorial :)
Do you have a friend named Buddy?
haha no, there's a comedian here name Buddy, Buddy Anduk. ffffuuuu
Why are people weird?
included you?
Do you know what TTFN stands for?
What's your pets middle name?
Bruno have no middle name
Have you ever dated 2 people at one time?
you think?! No
Have you ever sniffed someone's hair secretly?
secretly? no
Do you have a T.V in your room?
No :(
How long can you go without electronics?
What are your siblings names?
Dini and Harry
Are you bored right now?
then why I took this survey?
What do you love to dream about?
My future.
Are you answering these questions with false answers or true?
true. why need to lie
Will you tell your friends to do this survey?
I'll post this on my page

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Fill in The Blank Friday-Birthday

credit to The Little Things We do

Happy Friday!

1.  The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is  19. :)

2.   The best birthday present ever would be   a surprise party from all my bestie,with a cake, wishin' on the candles, midnight, and yes, my guy.

3.  My favorite birthday to date was   my 17 birthday. This guy just gave me a painting, me-and-him on there. That was sweet like sugar ;)

4. Birthdays make me feel    like em complicated? happy and sad at the same time. we might be had fun, cakes, soft drink, friends and family everywhere, gift, wishes list from everyone, and so much beautiful moment. and then you realized that it wasn't last forever. Tick Tock. Time flies fastly when you are having fun. How it felt when  you are like in heaven then fall down slowly, til there's no one there, then you feel all alone. Another sad thing is, yep, you grew older. You supposed to act like that weird-number-on-your-birthday-cake.

5. The worst birthday I ever had was   Thanked God. I always love my birthday. party or not , I am always having fun.

6. When I was born  it almost 12.00 about 11.49 p.m., a little baby girl came out from the greatest mom alive. I don't know my weight and how long i was. I forget that. first planned, my mom was going to take a surgery to take me out of there, but the doctor ordered my mom to another hospital, another town, it took 45 minutes from my hometown. i can't imagine, mom, your struggle, i pushed out while you were in your way to the hospital, i can't imagine the pain. Then finally, i came out.

7.  So far my favorite age has been   18. Right Now. :)

Apa yang lebih membuat tenang dibanding ini?

"Dia mengetahui apa yang ada di langit,
 dan apa yang ada di bumi, mengetahui apa yang kamu rahasiakan,
 dan apa yang kamu nyatakan. 
Dan Allah maha mengetahui segala isi hati" 


The Best Thing to do is Forget All Your Problem

Here again some randomness.
Actually, i have soooo much to share about today. 
But, whatever happened today it takes all my breath.
Yip yip forget it.
Here, you can copy it to your blog.

how often do you clip your nails? 
whenever it's getting longer
october, 21st
do you replace the toilet paper if you use the last piece? 
mine or public?

how many pairs of shoes do you have? 
em many
Current Location: 
Bed room

what kind of laundry detergent do you use? 
Eye Color:
Dark brown
do you weigh yourself often?
not that often
Hair Color:
can you tie a cherry stem in your mouth?
hven't tried it yet
Do you dye your hair?
do you shave?if so how often?
yes, before period
don't ask!
do you laugh out loud by yourself?
sometimes :D
Right or Left handed?
who is the funniest person you know?
My college mates lol
Biggest weakness:
what is your favorite movie and why?
em harry potter maybe? I've had never got bored
Biggest fear:
do you take daily medications?
Your perfect pizza:
what is the best thing you can cook?
fried rice
Goal you would like to achieve this year:
have a trip to pare
do you have any o.c.d habbits?
Your most overused word or phrase on a messenger:
do you test the water or dive straight in?
test it first
Thoughts first waking up:
where's my cellphone
would you peek in someone elses medicine cabinet? 
Your best physical feature:
haha idk
do you chew straws? 
em you think?
Your bedtime:
do you iron your clothes?
Number of hours of sleep per night:
what was your favorite childhood toy?
Favorite Drink:
Lemon tea is what I am looking after mineral water.
can you do the splits?
Favorite Food:
Tempe, you know? Indonesian food and Pasta, with carbonara sauce
can you keep a secret?
sometimes lol
Favorite Restaurant:
Indonesian and italy
Favorite Ice Cream:
chocolate please
Do you drink?
in my dream
Do you smoke?
you wanna see me kicked out?
Do you do drugs?
you weird
Do you like to sing?
Do you like to dance?
Have you ever been in love?
who's on earth never?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
em maybe
Describe yourself in three words:
Do you believe in yourself?
sometimes no
As a kid who did you look up to?
my mom?
What did you want to be when you "Grew up"?
An unreplaceable beautiful Mom :')
What do you do for a living?
living? for myself? I am 18, and I still need Dad you know
Do you like the rain?
Do you like Thunderstorms?
What's your fondest memory?
so much, one of them having a big family trip last february
Have you ever shoplifted?
er no
Do you have any tattoos?
I planned this lol
Do you have any piercings?
Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
em no
When is the last time you went on a road trip?
What is one thing you refuse to eat?
What's your birthstone?
i don't know what birthstone is
What's your Zodiac sign?
What year did you graduate high school?
What's your all time favorite song?
Love story, lonely lullaby, drive by, that's what friends are for,so much
Do you have any scars?
not a big scars actually
What kind of car do you have?
a toyota
What kind of car would you like to have?
whatever as long as it has 4 wheels and beautiful!
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Do you like cartoons?
What's your favorite smell?
Mr. U Kno Who's parfume
What do you do while you're driving?
i'm not drive
What's your favorite store to shop in?
em sooooo much
Do you believe in Karma?
What's your favorite number?
What's your favorite sport? 
is laying on the bed belongs to sport?
When was the last time you cried?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
you think?
Have you ever lived in a different state?
Where would you like to live?
here in my home
Are you a fast typer?
em you think how much time i need to make this sentence done?
Are you listening to music right now?
When were you the saddest in your life?
when my grandmom's leaved for ever,
What does your CD player have in it right now?
nothing lol
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
black, it can coloured all colours
What is your middle name? 

If you could change anything in your past what would it be?
I'll take UI as my college
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
man? cause I am women lol
What's your favorite color?
rainbow, but mostly uhm, brown
What's your biggest pet peeve?
sometimes bruno won't listen to my advice
What's your favorite movie?
Harry potter!
What's your favorite TV show?
right now? kejar tayang
What's your favorite perfume/cologne?
em idk
Do you like the ocean?
Do you like roller coasters?
What was your first job?
I haven't got it
If you could visit anywhere where would it be?
venice, santorini, palermo
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Do you wear contacts/glasses?
What's your favorite holiday?
last semester holiday
Have you ever fired a gun?
What's your favorite flower?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Hugs or kisses?
Do you bite your nails?
er no
Do you have any siblings?
Have you ever been on a plane?
i need it to come back home every year -_-
What is your current desktop picture?
a capture of Pixie Lott video, poker face
If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
wallet and cellphone
What's your favorite book?
so much.
Do you swear?
em what?
Are you a morning person?
what is this?
Do you like your job?
i haven't got a job
What was the first car you owned?
me? haven't got mine. It was dad's
Do you care what others think about you?
as long as they talk the truth, nope,
The craziest thing you've ever done:
What ringtone is on your cell phone right now?
Typical ,ost of a movie, i forget what,
What kind of cell phone do you have?


What is their name?
Mr. U Kno Who
What pet name do you like to call them?
I don't like this ew way to call him
How long have you been together?
How did you meet?
school mate, primary,secondary, high school
What do you like the most about them?
i don't know
What do you like the least about them?
i don't know
What is the best thing they have ever done for you?
i don't want to tell you
Have they met your parents yet?
What would you kids look like if you had kids?
smart, nice, stubborn, love art, beautiful
What is the worst argument you have had?
why he's so selfishand it's happen, again, right now, for many many time
Do you still kiss a lot?
Who asked who out?
Do you think you will get married?
probably, but who knows
Can you see yourself growing old with them?
he's the one on my mind when i am thinking about future
What is the one thing you would like to change about them?
throw away his selfishness for now
What do you think they would like to change about you?
i don't know
What is the first gift they ever bought you?
a Peterpan new album?
Do you have a favorite song together?
love story?
Which famous person do you think they look like the most?
i don't know
Would you say the two of you are a good match?
i don't know