Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Happy New Year

So, what's up? Here I am, in my room, preparing to New Year's Eve. Yeay!!! Excited!!!
Ngomong-ngomong soal Resolusi, for me personally, I took it seriously loh :)
I wanna share my 2012 resolution right naw, tenyata udah terpenuhi setengah. Yeay.

Here it is:
  • UGS. Unpad Goes to School. Perfectly done.
  • Bikin rekening baru buat nabung. Done. Walaupun masih sulit buat nabung.
  • Beli tas dan sepatu di awal tahun. Done.
  • Punya satu teman baru. I got so many new friends. Wulan, Dio, Sherly sooo many.
  • Kasih Kahfi sesuatu.
  • UAS lancar IP > 3.1. I got >3.5 hehe
  • Potong rambut. Perfectly done :)
Dan yang belumterpenuhi di tahun ini:
  • Masak dan makan dikosan weekend
  • Ikut satu kompetisi 
  • Nonton Konser Taylor
  • Beli novel dalam bahasa inggris
  • Sit up every morning
 And I really thank God for gave me BEM in this year. I worked  in Minister of Alumnus and Company Relation. We called it RAP. We are Rapper yo!

And thank you Astari for lead this team. Thank you :'
Here are Wulan, Aldi, Me, Dio, Yanuar, Astari, Ivon.
Full Team

Company Visit -Program Kerja Tahunan
Photo Booth
Penampilan kementrian, We were singing Harus berpisah-nya Cakra Khan :'

Penghargaan buat Aldi sebagai Deputi terbaik
Santo, Ivon, Melsa, Astari, Wulan, Me, Dio minus Aldi, Sherly, Yanuar, Pandu, Arijal. Perpisahan BEM.

Thank you for every single thing RAP. Thank you for being my family. Thank you for every courages. Thank you for the times. I am gonna miss LPJ loh guys hehe Bakal kangen bikin notulensi tiap rapat, bakal kangen kalian semua. RAP IS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME IN 2012 *ciumin satu-satu* Thank you Astari,Wulan,Ivon,Yanuar,Dio,Aldi, and staff magang penerus RAP :' Sherly,Melsa,Pandu, Arijal, Santo. Sopan, Serius, Smile to many people. Thank You. Keep Sensual ya, you guys :*

And Thank you Kahfi, for everything. Maaf dan terima kasih, ya.

Dan untuk 2013, ngga ada resolusi :) Nothing to hope, nothing to lose.
Happy New Year , People.

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

The End of What We are

Sore ini hujan di Bandung deres banget. Gelap. Serem. Sampe kepikiran "Is this the sign from Allah for the end of the world? Is The Mayans right?" Sampe nemu capture-an ini.

Apa yang diramalin The Mayans soal the doomsday  mungkin ngga harus kita telen langsung. Mereka mungkin bener soal the end of the world, tapi bukan phisically. Yep, kaya tulisan di atas, "the end of what we are...".  Genocide, war, kita liat apa yang dilakukan Israel ke Palestine. Abuse, udah ngga asing lagi. Chaos. Pengeboman gereja dan tempat umum lain, atas nama agama, katanya. Murder, yap, like they've had done in Connecticut. Keserakahan manusia. Ketidakadilan pemimpin. Dimana rasa peduli manusia saat ini? Jangan sampe aja bunuh bunuhan jadi hal biasa nantinya. Serem :(

But, di luar itu semua, kalaupun memang The Mayans memprediksi tentang kiamat, Me, personally can't stand with it. For Muslim like me, ada beberapa tanda besar sebelum datangya kiamat. Salah satunya akan ada perang antara Isa as dengan Dajjal, dan hal ini belum terjadi. Eh, Isa apa Imam al Mahdi ya, lupa :) CMIIW. 
And, NASA said that "The world is not going to end." Tidak dalam waktu dekat, secara ilmiah, bumi masih akan bisa bertahan sampai 4 milyar tahun! WOW! Tapi, balik lagi ke takdir Tuhan. Only God knows :) Keep the world green. 

Kamu bisa liat penyangkalan NASA di sini :)

Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

9 of Us

How's your day blogger?
I'll show you the picture of us -my college mates and I.
This one was taken about a months ago, when we were going to a movie. That was Ghea's birthday -the girl who's not wearing hijab- and this was our first photobooth. I mean, yang fotonya paling banyak. Biasanya ngga pernah serame ini. Ini pun kurang Rifka sama Dani .


Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Another heart-warmer

Abis kepoin Kahfi's first post on his blog Terus speechless hehe.
I love him and his very first post.

Ps. You're sweeter than chupa cup!