Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012


Hello. It's like I am suddenly awake from a very very long sleep.

Ramdomly, answered some useless - but - fun question from anonymous.
Here it is :D

1. Are you innie or an outie?
- Innie

2. Have you ever written a song?
- Nope

3. Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet?
- No -_-

4. Have you ever written a poem?
- Em, primary school, may be

5. Do you like catsup beside your fries?
- Better not

6. Have you ever been boy/girl scout?
- Yes, in primary school

7. Have you ever written a book?
- Diary, if counted lol

8. Are you superstitious?
- Come on, it's 2012

9. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or Whopper?
- Big Mac

10. What's the most daring thing you've done?
- Uhm,  I don't know

11. True or false: You'd rather eat steak than pizza.
- Can I have both?

12. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?
- Haha, Yep.

13. How did that turn out?
- Not bad.

14. What's your favorite cartoon of all time?
- Doraemon, Tom and Jerry, The simpson. I love cartoon

15. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit?
- Bitch please

16. If so, would you eat another one?
- Big NO

17. Can you pick something up with your toes?
- Hem, a pen, may be

18. How many time have you flown in airplane in the last year?
- About 3 times

19. Would you rather be rich and  unhappy or poor and happy?
- Rich and happy

20. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland?
- Cinderella *eyelashes*

21. Do you prefer scrambled or fried egg?
- Scrambled

22. Do you talk in your sleep?
- How could I know -_-

23.Would you rather shovel snow or mow the lawn?
- Shovel snow

24. Do you drink pepsi or coke?
- coke

25. What's your favorite number?
- 0

26. Do you use regular or deodorant soap?
- Regular one

27. I f you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be?
- Ashton Kutcher or Joseph Gordon Levitt

28. Have you ever returned a gift?
- No, :D

29. Do you sing in the car?

30. If you won $5.000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick?
- Forever 21, Topshop, sooooooomuch GAWD

31. Are/ were you a good student?
- Average

32. If you were to wina Grammy, what kind of music would it be for?
- Pop Country

32. If you were to win an Oscar, what kind of movie would it be for?
- Romance Comedy

33. Have you ever had surgery?
- Thanks God, never

34. What do you like to collect?
- Money

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