Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Fill in The Blank Friday-Birthday

credit to The Little Things We do

Happy Friday!

1.  The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is  19. :)

2.   The best birthday present ever would be   a surprise party from all my bestie,with a cake, wishin' on the candles, midnight, and yes, my guy.

3.  My favorite birthday to date was   my 17 birthday. This guy just gave me a painting, me-and-him on there. That was sweet like sugar ;)

4. Birthdays make me feel    like em complicated? happy and sad at the same time. we might be had fun, cakes, soft drink, friends and family everywhere, gift, wishes list from everyone, and so much beautiful moment. and then you realized that it wasn't last forever. Tick Tock. Time flies fastly when you are having fun. How it felt when  you are like in heaven then fall down slowly, til there's no one there, then you feel all alone. Another sad thing is, yep, you grew older. You supposed to act like that weird-number-on-your-birthday-cake.

5. The worst birthday I ever had was   Thanked God. I always love my birthday. party or not , I am always having fun.

6. When I was born  it almost 12.00 about 11.49 p.m., a little baby girl came out from the greatest mom alive. I don't know my weight and how long i was. I forget that. first planned, my mom was going to take a surgery to take me out of there, but the doctor ordered my mom to another hospital, another town, it took 45 minutes from my hometown. i can't imagine, mom, your struggle, i pushed out while you were in your way to the hospital, i can't imagine the pain. Then finally, i came out.

7.  So far my favorite age has been   18. Right Now. :)

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